Yes, I can

Matthew 19:26 reads “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” How often do we have a defeatist attitude towards life? We must have faith in our great God, and believe in all that is possible through Christ! In his message, Elder Taylor opens Philippians 4 to take a closer look at the those things which are impossible with man, but only possible with God.

Taking God For Granted

At the beginning of Corinthians chapter 10, Paul reminds the Corinthians of the blessings and privileges that the Israelites received after leaving Egypt, and also the problems that they faced when they began to take for granted all that God had done for them. What have you done with all of your blessings and privileges?


How Do We Deal With Our Sin?

What did we do to become sinners? Absolutely nothing. We were born sinners, simply due to our relation to Adam. Conversely, what did we do to become saved? Absolutely nothing. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ paid for our sin on the cross. Though our heavenly home is secured by Christ, we still must deal with the consequences our sins, on a daily basis.

The Bible tell us that we have three enemies: the flesh, the world, and Satan. In this message, Elder Taylor explains what we must do to deal with our sin nature


The Special Ability of The Child of God

The Child of God has with liberty through the Holy Spirit. The founders of the United States of America understood that “…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.” Elder Taylor begins his message by stating that every Child of God has a “special ability.”

Every born again Child of God possesses a divine nature and a flesh nature which are in a constant battle for control. If we seek the God given divine nature, it grants us the power to bring order out of Chaos. This is the “special ability” of the Child of God.


Feeding The Five Thousand


Elder Taylor reads the account of Jesus feeding the five thousand in John 6:1-15 and Luke 9:10-18. By teaching a short-term lesson (feeding the five thousand with just five loaves and two fishes), Jesus Christ was then able to also teach a long-term lesson, that Jesus Christ is in control of the physical laws of the universe.


Sharing the Burdens of Others


The Bible commands us to help others, but how much should we help, and in what way? Sometimes, in our attempt to help others with their burden, we hinder them. How can we know if we’re helping our brothers and sisters in Christ in the right way? We must use wisdom and discretion when helping. Elder Taylor walks us through biblical instructions pertaining to helping our brethren through burdens.


Jacob, One Who Contends With God


Continuing in the book of Genesis, Elder Chris focuses today's topic on Jacob. What kind of man was Jacob? The name “Jacob” means “deceiver,” or “One who contends with God,” and Jacob came to live up to those meanings. Yet, despite Jacob’s deceptive deeds, the Bible is very clear that God loved Jacob and hated Esau.

In Genesis chapter 32:24-30 we find Jacob "was left alone, and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day." (verse 24). The man that Jacob wrestled with was a picture of Christ.

Abraham - The Father of the Faithful Part IV


Continuing with the study of Abraham, Elder Chris begins today's sermon in Genesis chapter 22. Here, we find God tempting Abraham and instructing him to "Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of." (22:2) When God "tempted" Abraham, it was not an evil temptation, but a test. God will never tempt us with evil. (James 1:13 says "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:") Because of Abraham's maturing faith, he knew that God's command to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, was not an evil temptation. He knew that God would fulfill his promise and preserve Abraham's seed by supplying a substitute.

Abraham - The Father of the Faithful Part II


Continuing with the story of Abraham in Genesis chapter 12, we find that at the start of Abraham's journey he was new in his faith in God. Mistakes are made along the way, but as he continues to follow & trust the Lord, his faith grows and matures. Not everyone born into this world is automatically born with faith, so where does faith come from? In Galations 5:22 we find that faith is a fruit of the spirit. You cannot have faith without being born of the spirit.

Abraham - The Father of the Faithful


Continuing through the book of Genesis, Elder Chris has us reflecting on the story of Abraham starting in Genesis chapter twelve. In verse one, God tells Abraham to "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee". Abraham is commanded to leave his home country without any details on where he is going, which required trust and faith in God.


The Tower of Babel: Part II


Elder Chris continues with his subject on the tower of Babel. In Genesis 9:1 God commands Noah and his descendants to "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth". However, some 100 years later the people of the earth wanted to build one city and one tower, to make a name for themselves, lest they "be scattered abroad the face of the whole earth." -Genesis 11:4 This was a rebellion against God's command to multiply and fill the whole earth. Why did God want the people to scatter? To prevent the concentration of corrupt sinners.