Where Am I Going?

Sunday - December 15, 2019 - 1 Samuel Chapter 9 tells the story of a powerful man named Kish who sent his son, Saul, and a servant to go find his missing donkeys. After much searching, the servant suggests to Saul that they stop in the city and ask the Seer (also known as a Prophet/Man of God). This Seer was also known as Samuel, and Saul would soon find out that he would become the first king of Israel. Do you often wonder what your destiny in life is? What direction you should take? Does God have a plan for your life? You must listen and ask the Lord out of faith. God is aware and thoughtful of every single thing going on in your life. There are no limits to God's love and thoughts for us! God speaks to his children in many ways, but we must be open and willing to listen.
