Sunday December 1, 2019

Sunday - December 1, 2019 In Ephesians chapter five, the Apostle Paul is telling the church at Ephesus that the goal of every disciple of Christ is to be filled with the Spirit. How are you filled with the spirit? With psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, singing, making melody in your heart to the Lord, and giving thanks always for all things unto God. Be thankful for the good things God gives you in the bad times.

Elder Chris Taylor 12-1-19

Sunday November 24, 2019

Sunday - November 24, 2019 Elder Chris walks us through the 23rd Psalm: Anything and everything we need in this life can be found in Jesus Christ - we shall not want! We are to trust Jesus as the shepherd of our souls because he is the only one qualified for the job. Without Christ, we can do nothing.

Verse 1: Relationship & Supply

Verse 2: Rest & Refreshment

Verse 3: Healing, Guidance, and Purpose

Verse 4: Testing, Protection, Faithfulness, and Discipline

Verse 5: Hope, Consecration, and Abundance

Verse 6: Blessing, Security, and Eternity

The Gospel According to David
Elder Chris Taylor 11-24-19

Sunday November 10, 2019

Sunday - November 10, 2019 There are many things that go along with anger, and one of them is jealousy. Jealousy can stem from emotional insecurity and immaturity, ego and grief. in 1 Samuel chapter 18, we read about King Saul, and how consumed he became with his jealousy of David. Both jealousy and envy will stop, when you celebrate someone else's victory, especially when it is something you personally need. As children of God, we should strive to be filled with the spirit instead of jealousy.

Elder Chris Taylor 11-10-19

Sunday October 27, 2019

Sunday - October 27, 2019 Genesis 1:25-31 With the creation of the earth, every living creature and man complete, God reflects on His work and notes that it is "very good". The word "good" here does not mean morally good, but rather "fit for the purpose for which it was designed. Serving both God and creation.

Good and Very Good
Elder Chris Taylor 10-27-19

Sunday October 6, 2019

"The Case of the Silver Cup" Sunday - October 6, 2019 Genesis chapter 44 tells the story of when Joseph, now in charge of the entire land of Egypt, uses a silver cup to rebuild the relationship with his brothers. Sometimes God will use a "silver cup" as a catalyst to bring us back and build a closer relationship with Him. Just like Joseph did with his silver cup and his brothers. Joseph wanted to see what kind of men his bothers had become after all they had done to him in his youth.

The Case of the Silver Cup
Elder Chris Taylor 10-29-19

Sunday September 29, 2019

Sunday - September 29, 2019 Why did Jesus Christ go around touching all the people the Pharisees and Jews deemed "unclean"? God sent his son down in mortal flesh so that He could touch us and be touched. Christ died for the sins of His people in mortal flesh, and their redemption is secure. A child of God will never have to carry the full weight of their sins again because of His gentle touch.

A Touch of His Gentle Hand
Elder Chris Taylor 9-29-19

Sunday September 8, 2019

Sunday - September 8, 2019 - Elder Chris Taylor Reading the first 12 verses of Proverbs chapter 3, Elder Chris explores the topic of success. When you keep God first in your life, mind, and wallet, you will find success! Because true success in life comes from God. If we are not faithful in the least (being good stewards of our money and honoring God with the firstfruits of our life, for example) how can we expect to be faithful in more? (joy, peace and greater blessings).

How to Become a Success in Life
Elder Chris Taylor 9-8-19

Sunday August 25, 2019

Elder Chris Taylor talks about the importance of the topic of money. Some people think money is not a topic that should be preached on, however there are 1200 verses relating to money in the Bible.

Most of Jesus’s parables were about money, but his teaching went beyond money. Money is a great indicator of our commitment to the cause.

Parable of the Unjust Steward
Elder Chris Taylor 8-25-19

Sunday July 14, 2019

“The Five Distinguishing Marks of the Primitive Baptist Church” Elder Chris Taylor – Sunday 7/14/19 1. We believe in a successful Savior (Matthew 1:18-21, John 10:27-28, John 19:30 and Isaiah 42:4) Jesus did not come into this world to make men ‘saveable” but to save his people from their sins – and he accomplished that! 2. We believe that all of God’s elect are secure. Once saved, ALWAYS saved. (John 6:37-39 and John 10:29) God will NEVER cease to love His people! 3. We believe in the immediate regeneration of God’s people by the Holy Spirit. (John 3:8) The Holy Spirit acts independently of the Church, Gospel and acts of men. 4. Our worship is apostolic (relating to the apostles). The way the Apostles worshipped is the same way we try to worship today: Singing, Praying and Preaching. 5. We believe that the Bible is God’s revelation to His people. (2 Timothy 3:16)

Five Distinguishing Marks of the Church
Elder Chris Taylor 7-14-19

Sunday July 7, 2019

“My Assurance of Salvation, Romans 8:31-35” Elder Chris Taylor – Sunday 7/7/19 In Roman’ chapter 8 verses 31-35, the apostle Paul gives us the visual of a courtroom. Verse 31: God’s power is invincible. The ultimate power of the universe LOVES you! Verse 32: God’s grace is inexhaustible. God loves his people SO much! Verse 33: God’s immunity is incontestable. He chose us even when we were yet sinners. Verse 34: God’s pardon is indisputable. Who can condemn us? No one! Verse 35: God’s bond is inseparable. What shall separate us from the love of God? NOTHING! Not even death.

Romans 8: My Assurance of Salvation
Elder Chris Taylor 7-7-19

Sunday June 30, 2019

“Taking the Lord’s Blessings for Granted” Elder Chris Taylor – Sunday 6/30/19 In 1 Corinthians chapters 9 & 10 we find Paul reminding the church of Corinth not to take all that they have been blessed with ( including the efforts of Paul & Barnabas) for granted. In Corinthians chapter 10, Paul uses the children of Israel as an illustration regarding this matter. Despite all that God had done for the children of Israel (freeing them from slavery in Egypt, crossing the Red Sea, feeding them Manna in the Wilderness etc) they all too soon began to take for granted all that they had been blessed with. After a long time of being blessed, it is our human nature to take those blessings for granted.

Taking God's Blessings For Granted
Elder Chris Taylor 6-30-19

Sunday June 23, 2019

“Spiritual Blindness” Elder Michael Green - Sunday 6/23/19 Elder Michael Green brings to life the scene in John chapter 9 where Jesus heals a blind man in a very unique and powerful way. There is more power in the spittle of our Savior than all the good works of any man in the world. Jesus has the power of life. He took a little bit of his own life and applied it to a point of darkness in the blind man’s life. Jesus was stating to His disciples and the Pharisees that He IS God. The man who was healed suffered from physical blindness, but there were many around him that suffered from spiritual blindness. Jesus delivers us from darkness into spiritual light eternally.

Spiritual Blindness
Elder Michael Green 6-23-19

Sunday June 16, 2019

“Patience” - Elder Chris Taylor – Sunday 6/16/19 Elder Chris Taylor focuses on the topic of Patience beginning in James chapter 5, verses 7-11. The Greek meaning for patience is “to cheerfully endure”. Following Jesus will involve suffering, but it will be the best life! We are to cheerfully endure through Christ, not just hang on by our fingernails. As children of God, we are to have patience in this life while waiting for the coming of our Lord. Every day we live we should live expectantly - hoping and preparing that He will return at ANY moment! We should in that waiting be patient with our circumstances (vs. 7), patient with one another (Vs. 9) and patient with God (Vs. 10).

Patience with Circumstances, People, and God
Elder Chris Taylor 6-16-19

Sunday June 9, 2019

“Paul was an Apostle of Jesus Christ, and he had the scars to prove it.” -Elder Chris Taylor - Sunday 6/9/19 What kind of scars are you able to proudly display in the service of the Lord? We all have scars, some good and some bad. Some scars cannot be seen, and we all have scars that are still affecting us in the present. Paul measured his success by his scars. He understood through experience, that trivial pleasures will not sustain you in this life. The only way you can endure the troubles in life is by following Jesus Christ.

I've Got The Scars To Prove It
Elder Chris Taylor 6-9-19