Sunday May 19, 2019

"Why Singing, Music and Congregational Singing are Important" Sunday, 5/19/19

Elder Chris Taylor takes a look at Colossians 3:16 and Ephesians 5:18-19 and discusses the importance of spiritual songs and hymns, and why they are essential and a commanded part of the worship service. He then walks the congregation through six supporting points.

1. Congregational singing is the only thing that the New Testament requires us to do. It does not require us to play or use musical instruments and it also does not require us to have a choir, praise team band or soloist. There are three parts to worship: Preaching, Praying and Singing.

2. We are commanded to participate in congregational singing! When you come into the song service, make sure you bring more than just your spiritual appetite.

3. If you’re going to sing, then SING! (Ephesians 5:18-19) It’s singing with grace and melody in your hearts to the Lord. This is not a lukewarm, half-hearted endeavor!

4. Worship God with the musical instrument He gave you, your voice! This is the best way to honor God! (Psalm 96:1-4)

5. Music gives us order. Music shows us what life would be like if life was ordered and harmonious. Satan hates music that is honoring to God! He hates a singing church and the order that comes from it.

6. Congregational singing is everyone singing together! ( Ephesians 5:18-19)


Sunday May 5, 2019

“He’s not heavy, he’s my brother.” Elder Chris Taylor takes a look at Galations chapter 6 starting in verse 1 where Paul emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness and respect even during their faults and failures. When a brother or sister falls into a fault, do you react with condemnation or restoration? It is important that we as Christians always strive to help each other out with our problems, pains, provisions, passions, and present life with humility, prayer and love. Let us lift each other up despite our heavy burdens!

Sunday April 28, 2019

On Sunday Elder Chris Taylor preached part 3 of his series on Philippians 3.

As a born again child of God, there are things that you will need to lose while running the race.

Paul understood all too well the things one must leave behind, to count as dung, in order to move forward and run the race. Paul took great pride in the condemnation and torture of Christians. After he was born again, the life Paul once lived no longer had meaning to him. His old passions and purpose did not line up with what God willed for his life. He left it all behind because he understood the reason for running towards Christ.

We need to escape the worst in us so that we can pursue the best in us in Jesus Christ!

Strive for perfection, even though it cannot be obtained in this life. Don’t dwell on the old, run towards the new! Don’t take childish things forward with you in life. Crucify your pride and be a fool for Christ’s sake!

When you are running the race, you will find peace in the midst of the storm. The reason for running to the prize; the resurrected Christ!


Sunday April 21, 2019

On Sunday Elder Chris Taylor continued his series on Philippians Chapter 3.

Paul reminds us that life has meaning if we are in the race, but what is the loss? What do we need to leave behind to go forward? The things that Paul once thought were most precious to him are the things that he ended up leaving behind in order to run the race for Christ.

As a born again Christian it is our calling to run the race of life where we find both purpose, satisfaction, trials and sufferings. But when we suffer for Christ’s sake, we find grace in our infirmities.

Take joy in knowing that as a child of God, you have already been apprehended (to take hold of). You have already been saved by the grace of an eternal, Heavenly Father. This race is the race of a born again individual.

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.”‭‭- Philippians‬ ‭3:10-12‬ ‭

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Sunday April 7, 2019

On Sunday, Pastor Chris Taylor brought to light the word pictures and imagery found throughout the Bible beginning in Philippians 3:11-17.

Word pictures are a learning tool used by divinely inspired writers of the bible to teach spiritual truth. A survey of the Bible shows that metaphors, allegories, and similes are often employed in this endeavor.

In this “Part I” preaching series on the 3rd chapter of Philippians, Elder Taylor contrasts Parables, Old Testament Events used to teach New Testament truths, and Sermon Illustrations used by different biblical writers.

To learn more, join us every Sunday at 10:30am!


Sunday April 14, 2019

We were blessed to have Elder Michael Green speak at Antioch today and his message was both thoughtful and encouraging.

Elder Green began in John chapter 7, pointing out how Jesus Christ was one of the most misunderstood figures in history.

“In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”
‭‭John‬ ‭7:37-38‬ ‭

Jesus did not get angry or withdraw for being misunderstood. He made the statement that He is more than just a good man, He is the fountain of living waters.

Even though in this day and age, when we have virtually all of our needs met, many of us find ourselves trying to fill the spiritual void in our hearts with those earthly things.

Jesus Christ is the ONLY satisfaction for our spiritual thirst. When we put away the things of this world, and follow Jesus, He will always exceed our expectations. The world will let us down, but serving Christ will always leave us fulfilled.

Join us every Sunday at 10:30am and quench your spiritual thirst!

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Sunday March 31, 2019

Yesterday, Pastor Chris Taylor walked the congregation through Mark 9:1-13. It is here that Jesus Christ takes three of His disciples ( Peter, James, and John ) up into a high mountain and is transfigured (He was transformed: His garments became glistering & exceeding white) before them. Elias and Moses then appear and are seen talking with Jesus. After these events occurred, as they were coming down the mountain, Jesus teaches the three disciples about the supreme importance of Gospel.

Jesus also tells them not to tell anyone what they had seen on the mount until after he had risen from the dead. Elder Taylor explores the reasons why Jesus gives them this prohibition.

The distinguishing mark of the Church is the preaching of the cross of Christ and his resurrection. The fact that the Messiah must suffer, die and rise from the dead did not fit in with their scribe taught theology of what the coming Messiah would do and accomplish.


Sunday March 24, 2019

Yesterday, Pastor Chris Taylor spoke on the topic of discouragement, something we all face in our lives.

Reading from 2 Corinthians 4:8-18, Elder Chris brought to light how the Apostle Paul went through many periods of deep discouragement, yet by having a noble purpose, he was able to push through and find hope even during his darkest hour.

"If you are a child of God, living in the world that we live in, you know that life is a struggle. As we go through these struggles in life, it will make us discouraged and depressed. Paul was fighting discouragement and knows exactly what we are going through!

It's natural to feel these emotions. If you go through struggles, how do you get out? By having a noble purpose. To really live a full and happy life, you need a joyful purpose!

If we go about this life reflecting on the sufferings of Jesus Christ, we will live a life of purpose." -Elder Chris Taylor
