The Resurrection
Sunday - April 12, 2020
This week Elder Chris took his subject from Philippians 3:8-11. What impact does the resurrection have on you and I today? The resurrection of Jesus Christ was done by Jesus alone, and so will the resurrection of his people. Our bodies will be changed from natural to supernatural. We will be as Jesus Christ!
"Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead." - Philippians 3:8-11
*Due to COVID19 we are not meeting at the church building until further notice, but we plan to live steam a singing and preaching service, every Sunday.